Monday, June 15, 2009

Help Your Teen Set and Obtain Goals

Just six months ago my 14 year old son was a struggling student who liked football. When asked what he wanted to do when he "grew up", his answer was vague and ill-defined. As a parent, this didn't bother me much. He will likely change his mind a hundred times between now and his first job. What bothered me was that he had very little enthusiasm for the next five years. When I spoke of college, he just looked at me as though I was pushing him to become President by age 20.

Five months ago, he asked me how to play in the NFL without going to college. Without fully understanding the true meaning of the question, I just laughed. I told him it wasn't done. I couldn't have popped his bubble worse if I had taken away his cell phone.

Four months ago we attended a seminar at the local Texas high school featuring Randy Rodgers. The seminar was put together by the new football coach at the high school. All current and (potential) future players were invited. My son was only interested for two reasons: first, he would get some face time with the new coach and second, Randy had coached at his favored University of Texas.

Randy is now a recruiting consultant. For a fee, he will come into your home and advise you on the best practices for getting noticed by colleges. He is also hired by college coaches to provide portfolios on prospects. As a middle man, he has it figured out.

His story carries impact and instant credibility with young kids dreaming of playing college football. As mentioned, he has coached in Division I. He also has two sons who played college football and are now coaches in the NFL. My son sat up straight when he told their stories.

During the hour and a half seminar, Randy reviewed the criteria for getting into college as a football player. He reviewed the optimal timeline for contacting schools, taking tests, applying, etc. He noted that eighth graders (like my son) were entering a four year period of opportunity during which to prove themselves not only academically, but personally. He illustrated how grades made as a freshman were equally weighted to those made as a senior. Basically, he drew the kids a roadmap and made it clear and simple.

As a parent, I was most impressed when he declared that while most kids do not play Division I football, if a kid wants to play there is a place for him. It may be as a non-scholarship Div. III player, but the opportunity existed.

At the conclusion of the seminar, I asked my son what he thought. His answer told me volumes,"I thought college was harder to get into than that."

"How so?" I asked.

"I thought you had to have straight As to get in, so I figured I never would." His tone was even and resolute.

That is the moment that I realized I had nearly failed as a parent. I was always a good student and, as such, never thought of college as being out of reach. Now I realized that much of the attitude my son had toward school was that he saw the entire effort as fruitless. Sometimes you have to remember that your kids do not have the same insight to things that you do. Sounds obvious, but this mistake is made all of the time by well-meaning parents.

My son just got his progress report heading toward final exams. For the first time in his career as a student, he has an A in math (during his previous seven grades he averaged maybe 75). On average all of his grades have increased at least 10 percentage points. I have not noticed any change in his study habits. I have not hounded him at all to "buck up". The only reason I can cite for the remarkable improvement is that now he has what we all need: hope. He has a goal and has been shown the steps required to attain it. And, most importantly, the goal no longer seems out of reach.

Sometimes your best moments as a parent require you simply to chauffeur your kid to the right place at the right time. Does this mean that he will be the starting line-backer for the University of Texas within the next six years? Not necessarily, but at least he has a purpose for the next four that will bear fruit for the rest of his life regardless of what he chooses to do.

The Parvovirus and Your Dog

Until yesterday, I had never heard of Parvo
I am nearly 35 years old and have had a dog in the family since I was at least 2. Currently, my family has two wonderful dogs: Girl, the black-lab/dobie mix and Jasmine, the white rescued American Staffordshire Terrier.

Until yesterday, I had never heard the word Parvo. I had to consult Google just to learn how it was spelled. I learned of it as a result of my wife's efforts to assist in finding a home for a rescued pit bull puppy. The preferred recipient could not adopt the wanting lad because their home was infected with the Parvovirus. "The what?" I asked.

All of our family animals have always had their shots up to date. Never has a vet illustrated the need for caution in relation to the Parvovirus. Heatworm? Sure. Rabies? Less likely, but worth the shot. I must say, it sounds scary. And it is not nearly as rare as I would think considering that I had never heard of it.

The Parvovirus is a highly contagious disease that transmits primarily via fecal matter although it can continue as a contagion on virtually anything the infected dog contacts. And it is hardy. The virus can survive for nine months or longer and is not eradicated by most household disinfectants. Most resources I have found recommend a heavy dose of chlorine bleach to any area suspected of contamination. If you have ever stepped in doggy doo and, despite a good cleaning, wore those shoes into your house at any time over the next nine months, you have created quite an opportunity for the virus to contaminate. How exactly do you bleach your coach, your carpet, your rugs? If you've ever tried to rid your home of fleas, you may just be able to understand a smidgen of the difficulty you would face in ridding your house of this virus.

The Parvovirus affects puppies more aggressively than older dogs although any dog is susceptible. The virus attacks the digestive system of the dog. In younger dogs, the virus can attack the heart and lead to what is described as "sudden death." Any death sounds bad, but "sudden death" would be particularly difficult to describe to my six year old son.


Are you ready for some good news? Professionals estimate that 80% of puppies infected will survive if treated within the first day that the illness presents itself. However, they are left simply with the task of keeping the puppy alive while they fight off the virus themselves.

There is a vaccine, but it must be given when the puppy is very young. The vaccine requires multiple shots every three weeks from age 6 weeks to age 20 weeks. Since our animals are almost always adopted as a result of a rescue, this is not often feasible. Jasmine was over a year old when we adopted her.

The Parvovirus is specific to dogs. Humans, cats, fish, and other common household pets are not susceptible.

So what to do? If you're like me, you're going to stop by the vet with a few questions.

Have Google Adwords Ads Become Transparent?

Advertising is quite literally everywhere. The average magazine places its content after 10 pages of ads. A 30-minute sitcom is actually only 22 minutes long because of commercials. Tiger Woods wears Nike gear by contract in Gatorade commercials. You cannot browse the web for more than 5 minutes without encountering a Google Adwords ad.

Obviously, the key to success in advertising in this cacophonous world of advertising is to stand out. Viral marketing is a term that did not exist ten years ago. The DVR has threatened to kill television advertising revenue. Google discovered the largest cash cow since the discovery of a use for petroleum by providing economical, scalable and simple to use advertising venues for anyone with a website.

But Google's success, and subsequent omnipresence begs a question: Have Google ads become as transparent as the hum of a fluorescent light or a speed limit sign? We all know they are there, but we rarely take notice.

Take your experience while reading this article. What did you notice first? Second? Not until I pointed it out?

Google Adwords has created a cottage industry of individuals trying to make money online. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I have an e-commerce website with Adwords. I have a blog with Adwords. I have this profile on Hubpages with Adwords. In theory, I should be laying the groundwork for an infinite flow of cash as my online identity grows. With any luck, my children will never have to work so long as they inherit my ID.

There are success stories of course, but most are from individuals trying to sell you their unique "system" for making money using Adwords.

The operating principal behind Adwords is solid. Place no cost (unless clicked) ads on a site in the hope that visitors might stick around long enough to explore similar (but not identical) sites. It is akin to opening a specialty store in the mall next to RadioShack. You know visitors are coming in to buy batteries at RadioShack, and with a little luck some of them will be curious enough to stop in your shop.

But have Google Adwords ads become more akin to the wedding apparel store that is the first store you pass as you enter the mall? You know it is there but you stroll right past it because not only do you not need what they have, but their store has blended into the background. If they had a neon sign advertising a wedding lingerie model show, you might at least glance at it as you head for Sears.

Obviously, by writing this article I have not completely given up hope that the process might just work, but the question is worth pondering.

What do you think?

Ever Lost Everything Due to a Hard Disk Crash?

The Advantages of Flash Memory Drives Over Traditional Hard Disk Drives

Have you ever had a hard drive crash resulting in the loss of all of your pictures, music, financial statements, etc.? Try using the new mini-laptops utilizing flash memory combined with an external hard drive for media storage. If you are still nervous, use a second external hard drive for monthly back-up. Why?

Solid state flash memory has been around since first invented in 1980 by scientists at Toshiba. Its use has continually expanded as its price has diminished. In the late 1990s, flash memory became the storage media of choice for the exploding digital camera market. Apple's iPod turned flash memory into a commodity.

Gigabyte for Gigabyte, flash memory remains infinitely more expensive than traditional disk drive media, but we are rapidly approaching a threshold where functional advantages surpass capacity differences. You need look no further than the introduction of the world's first flash-based personal computer designed for mass markets as proof.

So, what is the main advantage of flash memory versus traditional hard disk drives? It is quite simple: no moving parts. Traditional HDDs contain a platter than spins at very high speeds as it reads and writes data utilizing a specific process of magnetization. As any automotive mechanic will tell you, moving parts ultmately lead to failure. It may take two years or twenty minutes, but failure is inevitable. Flash memory contains no moving parts as data is read and written utilizing exclusively an electrical process. Almost without exception, the electronics around the flash memory will fail before the memory will.

Over the last five years, I realized the full potential of flash market as developer of digital signage appliances for use in North American retailers. Companies like Fisher Price, DirecTV and Sony found it challenging to maintain video-based displays throughout retailers like Wal-Mart because they typically utilized DVD players. DVDs, like HDDs, spin continuously as data is read. Since the technology typically ran 18 hours a day, if not continuously, the typical DVD player failed almost every six weeks. Replacing the DVD player with a video player with data stored on flash memory led to over 200,000 displays that could run continuously for years rather than weeks. At the time, the process was more expensive on the front-end, but did not require weekly monitoring and substantial downtime or equipment maintenance.

So what does this have to do with the title's question? Until recently, every home computer in the world utilized a hard disk drive. Familys store digital pictures, music, tax files...the entirety of their digital existence on the home PC. My family is no exception. At least twice in the last ten years we have lost everything due to a hard disk crash. The typical techie will cry foul because of the notion that we should all back-up everything. This sounds great in a computer magazine, but in practicality the average person backs up their data about as often as they see their dentist. The process can be time consuming and intimidating for the typical novice. Fact is, a hard disk crash is inevitable and never happens the minute after a back-up.

A personal computer with a flash-based drive will never suffer a hard disk crash. But, since the current PCs feature only 16GB drives, you will eventually run out of space as your music collection grows. To solve this problem, utilize an external hard drive. Yes, it has a traditional hard disk drives, but since the operating system does not run on the external drive it is only used when reading or writing your data and its life is immeasurably extended. Still worried about an external hard disk crash? Get a second for back-up. A hard disk drive accessed only during your annual back-ups will last longer than it takes to fill a terabyte with i-Tunes.

Did Your Dog Just Eat Something Potentially Dangerous? Emergency How-To

If you've ever had a dog, you know of their uncanny proclivity for satisfying their curiosity using the sense of taste. Basically, some dogs will eat just about anything given the opportunity. Usually, this trait is relatively harmless aside from the occasional shoe casualty. But in some instances, this behavior will trigger panic in the doting dog owner.

I know this panic-inducing eventuality first-hand. A few years ago one of our two dogs managed to ingest a few vials of asthma medication designed for use in a nebulizer. The problems were two-fold. First, it was after mid-night and most veterinarians keep banker's hours. Second, we didn't know which dog had done it. Expecting the worst and fearing the morning conversation with my sons, we headed across town, dogs in tow, to the only 24-hour emergency vet clinic within a 50 mile radius.

And then true frustration set in. The vet on duty didn't know what the medication would do to the dog. Apparently there was a reason he was given the graveyard shift. He couldn't reach his colleague for advise and hesitated to treat the animals without more information. He choose to simply monitor the animals...for the next six hours. Finally, we got the answer and the bill. Turns out the medication is actually used in some instances to treat dogs with a specific condition. It also turns out that this vet apparently charged by the hour and per dog. In the end, it cost us about $400 to find out that our animals were never in danger in the first place.

Despite how it turned out, I must admit that in similar circumstances I would likely follow the same course of action again. However, I have subsequently learned of another course of action that would have allowed me to make going to the vet at midnight plan B.

Recently a friend discovered that his dachshund has ingested at least 50 capsules of fish oil after chewing the cap off. While my friend admits that he knew the fish oil wouldn't kill the dog, he immediately had nightmarish visions of days spent carpet cleaning, disinfecting and air freshening as the fish oil did its work. Like any responsible dog owner operating during the day, he called his vet. The vet recommended a simple, readily available home remedy.

My friend quickly cordoned the dog into a bathroom sans rugs and administered a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in not-so-eager anticipation for what was to come. Within five minutes, the dog was losing his lunch as though he had just hit the discount seafood buffet. Thirty minutes later, the presumedly dehydrated animal was none-the-worse for wear and all was well.

I have since researched this home remedy and have learned of a few things:

First, always call your vet first. In the two examples of random dog ingestion illustrated here, this remedy is suitable, but obviously your particular situation may be unique.

Second, if your dog is large, double the dose.

Finally, stand back for a few minutes and make sure that whatever triggered the need initially is now outside the dog.

And the next time your dog feels the need to chew on something, give him a flip-flop.

Your comments and personal experiences are welcomed.

What does the 2nd Amendment have to do with gun control? Montana gets it right.

The Legislature in Montana is taking center stage in a 218 year old debate about gun control. Ironically, the bill passed in Montana and the intent behind it is the first instance in my lifetime where the argument actually makes sense. Finally, someone is arguing the 2nd Amendment.

For years, both sides of the gun control debate have pointed to the 2nd Amendment as a part of the argument despite the fact that the United States Constitution never directly or indirectly addresses the issue of gun control. Read it again, if you do not believe me.

But, but, but...Yes. Leave your comments now stating how ignorant I am - or continue reading and perhaps maybe, just maybe, articulate your thoughts based on something other than John Hinckley, Jr. diatribes or an NRA commercial.

Allow me to simplify the issue a bit. Here is the complete text of the 2nd Amendment:

Amendment - Right to Bear Arms.A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Please note that the description of the amendment is one continuous phrase separated by commas. The purpose of a comma is to combine phrases that are deemed by the author to be relevant or dependent upon one another and should be read as a sum of all parts. The Gun Control debate all too often extracts "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" as though it were punctuated with a period. It is not.

Also, as you review the United States Constitution, note the deliberate distinction between the use of "the people" and "persons". When an individual's right is addressed throughout the text, the individual is referred to as "person". "The people" is used in direct juxtaposition to the "Government". The text reads as an "Us vs. Them" doctrine - which should not be surprising considering the new "Government" had just earned independence from the ultimate "Them".

Therefore, the 2nd Amendment could just as easily have stated:

When necessary to the security of a free State, a State may form and arm a militia comprised of its citizens.

Article 2, Section 2 of the United States Constitution outlines the President's role as Commander in Chief and clearly states that the President has the power to call into duty the militia of the states. Hmm.

So what does all of this have to do with Montana? Basically, by passing a law stating that citizens of Montana may purchase guns manufactured in Montana for use exclusively in Montana without adhering to ATF and other Federal regulations, the state of Montana is essentially establishing a militia as protected by the 2nd Amendment.

I am surprised that this debate can even exist without citing the 10th Amendment:

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People.The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

It only stands to reason that since an individual's ability to purchase a gun is neither protected nor prohibited by the United States Constitution, then the 10th Amendment defers the issue to the States. Unless a specific State addresses the issue, it stands to reason that the ability to purchase and own a gun rests solely with the individual in that State.

I am neither for nor against gun control. However, it is frustrating to witness otherwise intelligent and logical thinkers base an argument on something that does not exist. Montana's new bill will likely be challenged and may ultimately find an audience before the United States Supreme Court. I truly hope any subsequent judgements do not reference the 2nd Amendment. That might very well cause me to lose all faith in the ability of those running our country to do so in accordance with their original oath:

I, Paul Dumas, do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as Blogger under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.


How a Dog Door Made My Dogs Healthier

For years, we had a traditional sliding glass door serving as an exit to our back yard. With time, the door gradually became less functional. It was time to replace it. We questioned the value of replacing it with the same type of door due to our experience with poor insulation during the hot Texas summers. So we started over.

After much research and price comparisons, we decided on a French door with built-in doggie door. It did not cost much more than similar doors and it provided a few welcomed advantages.
First, with both my wife and I working, it was often a challenge to tend to our beloved puppy dogs and their need to go outside. Sometimes, despite their best efforts, the swatch of carpet near the back door proved to be their only option. More often, a day or evening out was cut short due to our pressing home-front obligations. No longer.

Second, we worried about the long term effects of having two dogs who must plan their bathroom breaks around our inflexable schedule. They would "hold it" as long as they could and broke for the exit the moment we returned home. You could almost here the "Ahhh" as they reached the back yard.

Something had to be done.

We debated on the perceived downsides of a doggie door. The typical home improvement store sold after-market plastic versions that required a Do-It-Yourself approach and final results appeared to vary greatly depending upon your own proclivity for such tasks. Having never installed a doggie door, I saw little hope that a DYI approach would produce professional results.

We also worried about the notion of having a 2x2 unlocked entrance into our home. After all, we have children and live in a large metropolitan area with newscasts full of home invasions and all manner of "if it bleeds, it leads" nightly ratings boosters.

Research led me to a local company that specializes in taking factory standard doors and custom building pet doors while maintaining the quality of the overall manufacturing properties. In talking to the owner, he pointed out that anyone who wished to scale an eight foot privacy fence after seeing a doggie door large enough for my American Staffordshire Pit Bull Terrier deserved what he had coming.

We signed the bottom line that day.

Now almost six months later, I realize that this door has changed not only our lives but the lives of our dogs. Our social calendar now includes chunks of time longer than 8 hours and we no longer return home to two dogs crossing their legs. I have since also, in using a non-scientific method, observed that our dogs go outside no fewer than two to four times per night while we sleep. Our dogs are happier, and apparently healthier. Imagine being able to use the restroom any time you feel the urge. Oh, wait, you're also human so you don't have to imagine it.
What have we been doing to our pets all these years? It seems almost cruel.

Using a GPS Saves Gas - Study Confirms the Obvious

NAVTEQ, a self-proclaimed leading provider of GPS and mapping data, recently released a study showing that use of a GPS leads to gas savings. The study was narrow in focus, but the results appear to confirm the obvious.

The study included only metropolitan drivers in two European cities and consisted of less than 500 total hours of driving. The participants had not previously used GPS in their vehicles. The data showed a few key findings:

Drivers averaged a 12% increase in fuel economy over the course of the study or the equivalent of almost 44 days annually.

Drivers experienced greater gas savings when traveling to an unknown destination.
Fuel economy increased throughout the course of the study as drivers apparently acclimated to using a GPS device.

Drivers utilizing a GPS with traffic information realized higher gas savings during rush hour than those without traffic information.

I doubt that further explanation as to the "why" behind these findings is required. Each seems quite obvious. However, the far-reaching potential benefits of these findings exceed the marketing ambitions of NAVTEQ.

As President Obama pushes to increase fuel economy standards by 2016, thus save nearly the equivalent of 86 days of US petroleum use annually, I wonder if a mandate for GPS units in all new cars shouldn't be on the docket.

The Federal Highway Administration states that based on the 2000 Census, nearly 80% of the U.S. population lives in urban areas. If 80% of drivers save 44 days of fuel annually due to a GPS and an additional 86 days annually due to Obama's proposed increased fuel economy standards, the composite annual savings would be 130 days or 36%.

I am not a statistician, but I realize that extrapolating these numbers from a single narrow focus study and assuming that nearly 226 million people will all purchase new cars in 2016 is faulty logic.

But is it too much to dream that the current bail-out of the Big Three could ultimately result in every American being given a government-sponsored new car just to keep the system rolling along? If we're all going to mortgage the future of our nation, shouldn't we at least get a new Chevy Malibu for our trouble? Too bad it will likely be rusted out by the time my six year gets his driver's license.

Obama Attacks Big Oil and the Big Three - Without a Fight?

Remember when gas was $4 a gallon and carmakers offered zero-percent interest to anyone with credit? Bush-43 was in office along with all of the conspiracy theories behind Exxon's record profits. The Big Three automakers were going bankrupt simply because Toyota made a better car.

Fast forward two years and Gas is $2 a gallon. The Big Three are officially on the dole because of the "economic slow-down". Exxon saw a record drop in profits (that leap off the top of the mountain can be quite a trip), but was still one of the only Fortune 500 to post an amazing profit. Bush-43 is enjoying retirement between official dinners at SMU and Texas Rangers games. His old oil buddies cashed out while the going was good.

Enter President Obama. The President became the first to openly propose aggressive changes to minimum fuel economy standards while touting "global warming" as a reason. Certainly, President Obama is not the first to increase these standards, but it is something of a relief to hear a President refer to global warming as a real concern. It took his predecessor nearly two terms to admit what the rest of the world has suspected for the last twenty years.

Now comes the interesting part.

While these changes have come at a snail's pace, it looks like it may be quickening. The new proposal would accelerate the new standards to be implemented by 2016, rather than 2020. In the past, such recommendations would have triggered a big red flare to launch over Detroit to signal that they were being attacked. Big Oil would secretly start expanding their lobbying coffers while boosting airtime of their latest commercials showing how much they are doing for the whales off Alaska.

I suspect this time will be different. There will be fight, but I suspect that it will be about as formidable as a 40 year old boxer coming out of retirement for one last fight. The old guard is either too fat and happy...or begging for their next welfare check.

Big Oil has been entirely too profitable over that last few years to use supply and demand as an argument. The Big Three simply do not have a leg to stand on. They can claim that logistics and costs make it prohibitive, but the fact of the matter is that the technology has been around for over twenty years...and they will be using our tax dollars to fund the new costs. For those that think the government is taking over the automotive industry, your argument just received another bullet point.

So what does that mean for us, the American driver? Well, 2016 is about the next time that most of us will be able to afford to finance a new car after the credit crises we're in now. I've been told that most credit right-offs take at least seven years to disappear from your credit report. If the Big Three are left by 2016, they'll surely be ready to begin the cycle again.

Making Money Online, Sex, Brangelina and Making Friends With Google

Mel Gibson's girlfriend is pregnant! The most recent "Dancing with the Stars" update rests above the article about Pakistan's nuclear capability on Paris Hilton wanted to be like Princess Diana (while alive, I presume) until her infamous tape "ruined" her life ambitions. Twitter wants to make money without advertising.

I built my first website 15 years ago. It was primitive and served no more purpose than an online version of a yellow pages ad. I began my first e-commerce site over 8 years ago and made money for my boss. I started my first blog three years ago and it served no purpose other than to kill time. I started hubpages about 10 hours ago and I am combining my knack for time killing with my desire to collect nickels. The one constant over this time appears to be the internet's insatiable appetite for gossip, sex, and ideas for making money for doing virtually nothing online. Just peruse the Google ads on this post that are based on "content relevance".

Has society really come to this or has it always been this way without a suitable method for homogenizing it for the masses?

It is a shame that a provocative picture of Megan Fox would generate more traffic to this hub than an editorial articulating the obvious dichotomy between our outward projected image and our inward reality. We all want a Victoria's Secret model with limited access to wardrobe for a wife while we sit in front of our laptop watching our Adsense account accrue daily wealth for our fifteen minutes of semi-coherent ranting about the state of the world.

If we can't have that, then we'll all simply join and fantasize in silent frustration.
Ever seen the movie "Idiocrasy"? It is rated R for language and sex-related humor. Sounds like it should have been the most popular movie of all-time. Of course, even "Titanic" had a nude scene.

Monday, April 20, 2009

For case you ever wonder

I am not sure how it happened, but I was granted the honor of determining my youngest son's first name. His middle name was to be a family name and subsequently he is named for one of his uncles. His last name, of course, was a given.

As a father and a writer, I'd like to think that there is universal significance in the names of my children. Despite having the pride of a father and the ego of a writer, I honestly have never been asked by anyone - not even my wife - the origin of my son's name. Benjamin, a.k.a Ben.

In a relaxed state of semi-conscious thought, I know exactly the origins of the name. It is as clear as the edges on a cloud. Having assigned myself the task of articulating it, however, is revealing the answer to be less coherent.

The most prominent Benjamin that I admire is, of course, Jack Benny. He was born Benjamin Kubelsky. Although we shared this earth for only five months (he died the day after Christmas in 1974 and I was born the previous July), Jack Benny was always a part of my life. He lived the life that I often daydream of having. Vaudeville. Radio. The advent of television. Jell-O commercials. He had it all.

Most people of my generation do not know or appreciate Jack Benny. Bob Hope? Sure. He lived forever. George Burns? Sure. He played God. Jack Benny? No. And why would they? He was long gone before the days of Desperate Housewives, Saturday Night Live! and

But did you know...?

Jack Benny's band leader on his radio shows during its heyday was Phil Harris. Who, you ask? Phil Harris is perhaps better remembered today for looking for the bare necessities as the voice of Baloo in Disney's "Jungle Book".

A long-time co-star on Jack Benny's programs over the years was Mel Blanc. You may not recognize his name, but you know his voices. He is best known as the voice of such well-known characters as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Sylvester the Cat, Beaky Buzzard, Tweety Bird, Foghorn Leghorn, Yosemite Sam, Wile E. Coyote, Barney Rubble, Mr. Spacely, and hundreds of others.

Marilyn Monroe made her television debut on the Jack Benny program. A young Johnny Carson frequently guest starred on Jack Benny's television program. He was the king of situational comedy in the early days.

But, no, Ben is not named solely for Jack Benny. The decision was not nearly so simple.

The first book I remember reading as a child was Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin by His Good Mouse Amos discovered, edited and illustrated by Robert Lawson. The book was a humorous retelling of many of the significant events in the life of Benjamin Franklin. Filtered through the pages of a children's book, Benjamin Franklin was the ultimate founding father. He discovered electricity with a kite. He invented a stove. Nearly every time he spoke, he was quoted.

To this day, I am fascinated by Benjamin Franklin, although now I know that he was perhaps not the ideal candidate for a children's book.

Finally, there is the sound of the name. Ben. Unimposing. Peaceful. Tender. Classic. It is unlike virtually any other name in defining the personality of a stoic, intelligent, confident, soft-spoken individual. All qualities that I imagined in my child. I am sure there are exceptions, but I do not recall any dictators, generals, serial killers or henchmen named Ben.

I know Ben's place as the son of Jacob and brother or Joseph in the Old Testament. Aside from the historical connotations inherently absorbed by any student of literature I cannot honestly say that biblical influences were at play.

Having just re-read my attempt to answer the origins of my son's name, it occurs to me that I have just barely scratched the surface. Perhaps, I should revert to a simpler explanation: I just always liked the name.

When starting an online business, how do you decide what products to sell?

The options are literally unlimited and there are many schools of thought when considering what exactly to sell. Almost anything WILL sell online, but there are others factors that play into how WELL it sells online. I have a few universal guidelines that I follow when selecting product.

First, if the item or service is readily available in every community then I typically will not sell it. However, if you are specializing in the item or service and offering a comprehensive selection then the first rule may not apply. For example, do not choose products that are available from your local Wal Mart unless you have a comprehensive selection. For instance, do not sell four kinds of model aircraft just because you know they sell through Wal Mart. Wal Mart will be more convenient and probably cheaper. If you sell two hundred kinds of model aircraft and wish to become a destination for model aircraft enthusiasts, then go ahead.

Another rule of thumb I use is to try to find a niche. Find products or services that you allows you to virtually corner the market online. This idea helps when it comes to optimizing your site for search engines. For instance, if you are selling something totally unique and someone searched for it on Google, then you are more likely to show up at the top. If you are selling something as commoditized as books, then you are already climbing a steep mountain because companies like Amazon have a huge head start. Focus your offering so that you can stand-out in a very crowded marketplace.

Sell what you know or know what you sell. If you are an expert or enthusiast in a subject, then use that expertise when selecting what to sell. If you are not an enthusiast, then research what you want to sell and become an expert. Knowledge helps you narrow your focus and better anticipate what your customers will be looking for in terms of products and information.

Research the companies you depend upon for your business. If you rely on wholesalers to provide products, ask the hard questions. Are products always in stock? How long does it take to ship items? Does the company guarantee their products? Are customers generally pleased with a product after buying it? You will make a sale online based almost entirely on images and descriptions. Do the images and descriptions accurately illustrate what the product is?

When starting, keep in mind your intended customer. when attempting to attract the general public as a customer, I try to sell only simple products. If an item requires too much expertise to assemble or use, then I know my returns will be too high. Customers generally do not return simple items that work right out of the box. If your intended customer is specialized, then be sure your offering adequately communicates what is involved after the purchase so your customer knows what to expect. You do not want to have to handle tech support for every sale.

In summary, create a market for yourself that is unique. Know what you are selling and present it properly for your audience. Partner only with companies that will not hinder your business. Finally, make it as simple as possible for customers to know what they are buying before they buy and make it simple for them to buy it.

New School Selling - How not to be like the rest

Amazon lists 449,578 books on the subject of selling. I have not read all of them or maybe any of them, but I know they mostly say about the same thing. I know this because I have been selling for over 12 years and every salesperson and every buyer quotes these books. And every quote sounds the same. The message of these books is sound. No doubt about it. The problem is that both the seller and the buyer know this message. It is like bluffing in poker with all of your cards showing. How do you use a technique (or psychology) when you are transparent? You do not. That is why selling has become a numbers game where you search 100s of trees and still only find the low hanging fruit.

I am no rocket scientist (as I said I am in sales so that is one testament to my intelligence), but I have discovered a technique (for lack of a better word) that works. It can be uncomfortable.It can be difficult. However, it can be effective in allowing you to break out of the mold and increase sales.

What is the point of sales? Duh. To get the sale. Who is your competition? The other guy. But I am a better salesperson and not only is my product better but it is cheaper. Unfortunately, while all of this may be true it does not equate to more sales.

Your competition is not the other guy. It is status quo. The biggest hurdle to making a buying decision is trusting that you are making the right decision. Unfortunately, this often leads to an endless cycle of thinking about it. No decision is worse than a decision for both the buyer and the seller. Think about it. The seller has (false) hope and the buyer has not made the wrong decision. Ah, everybody is happy, right? No.

So what is this technique that has revolutionized my personal experience with sales? It is simple, really. I do everything that you do right up to the moment of the close and I ask for a NO. What? You are supposed to ask for the order, right? All the books say so. Yeah, how is that working for you?

By asking for a NO, you are changing the expectations and rules that govern how buying has worked throughout human history. In reality, the buyer does not want to say no any more than they want to say yes (status quo, remember?). But if you have positioned your sale properly, the jolt you just introduced to the equation will be so substantial that in most cases you will either get the sale or get to the root of the indecision and be able to address it.

The fact that you are pushing for a not only a decision, but one that does not help your cause, will show that you are comfortable with what you are doing and it will reinforce that you are offering a service and not just trying to empty wallets. It is a simple concept, but try it and let me know how it works for you. It certainly works for me. Good selling (and stop reading all those books).

How to use Paypal for instant creditability online

When starting a new online business, there are many questions that must be addressed. None is more important than: How will customers pay you? As a store owner, you have several options. You can use traditional merchant services, a "free" processor like Google Checkout, or Paypal. A word about each.

Traditional merchant services refer to the same type of credit card processing you likely use whenever you pull out your credit card at your corner store or the dry-cleaners. These services were designed for brick and mortar businesses and they're wary of online businesses. In fact,they often charge higher transaction fees for online businesses because they feel they are riskier in terms of fraud and charge backs. I personally do not favor partnering with companies who see my online operation as a liability.

Free processors sounds great, but sometimes you get what you pay for. If you're just starting out and only processing five or ten transactions a month, then perhaps this will work for you. This "free" service also assumes that you are using Google's adwords for advertising in order to get the processing free. In another article, I offer my thoughts as to why paying for clicks is a waste of money.

Most online shoppers believe that Paypal is simply how you pay for something on eBay. It has evolved into a full service online transaction company. People who do not have Paypal accounts can now use it to pay with their credit card. Online businesses can now easily accept credit cards and Paypal using the same account. It has simply become the standard for online payments. So much so that even Dell Computers and iTunes uses them for online transactions.

Paypal may appear to cost a bit more than other merchant services, but the credibility and ease of use far surpass the upfront cost differences. Also, prior to receiving approval on a merchant services account you have to set up a checking account through a bank that is in the name of your business. In most cases, the bank requires you to be incorporated as well. This can be time consuming and delay what you are trying to do.

Paypal can allow you to process credit cards and be up and running within a few days. In fact, if you manage your Paypal account properly you can minimize or even profit from using their service. Here is how: Paypal charges a fee for receiving payments of any kind. However, Paypal pays an interest rate (about 4.5 percent at the time of writing). Finally, if you link your Paypal account to the Paypal Mastercard (separate qualifications and waiting periods apply) and only use it as a credit card (as opposed to debit), you will earn an additional 1.5 percent rebate on purchases that are directly put back into your Paypal account.

For example: Sell a $100 item via your store and have Paypal as the processor. Fees are 2.9 percent plus $.30 equals $3.20. Paypal shows a deposit for $96.80. You buy the item for $70 and use your Paypal Mastercard to buy it from the drop ship supplier. Your charge for $70 earns you a rebate of $1.05 that is put into your Paypal account. Your net profit on the transaction is $27.85 and total net fees are $2.15 or 2.15 percent.

Unless you are Dell Computer with a billion dollars in credit card transactions, you will not find any merchant services company willing to give you as low as 2.15 percent for an online transaction, so this is the way to go. And this example does not even include the 4.5 percent money market that you will earn if you can leave your profits in the account for a while.

The author of this article is in no way affiliated with Paypal or any of the other services referenced in this article.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Perhaps Los Angeles is Magical

I grew up listening to Jack Benny on the radio. As a child, I memorized the "Who's on First?" routine. My favorite movies all had Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant in them. It took adulthood for me to realize how unique this was for a child of the 1980s. But Dad was in the service and from 1983 to 1986 we lived in the Netherlands - where the only English language entertainment included listening to Armed Forces Network on the radio. I guess their budget for current entertainment was limited. I don't recall it being a problem for me.

Now I realize that perhaps I was born in the wrong time. Listening to 1920s radio re-broadcasts and watching old movies gave me an appreciation for the early days of American mass media. Oh, to have been a stagehand for Mack Sennett. To this day, no person in history enthralls me more than Irving G. Thalberg, a person virtually lost to American cinema history because of his lack of self-promotion. During the early days of Hollywood it seems not only was mass media revolutionized, but the participants were fully aware of their own roles. It was an amazing time.

It should be no surprise that as a youth one of my most prominent goals was to go to L.A. As a child, I never traveled further west than Denver. Though the mountains were more spectacular, it wasn't exactly the Hollywood Hills. My college years took me to Florida. Ironically, I didn't visit Hollywood, FL until after I had graduated and moved to Texas.

Flash forward several years, and 26 year old Paul has a real job, with a real reason to travel to Los Angeles on business...with an expense account, no less! In fleeting moments, I imagined loitering on Sunset Boulevard and being bumped into by Steven Spielberg only to have him say, "You're exactly the look I need in my new picture!" Since this seemed unlikely, I decided I was going to make the most of my first trip to L.A.

Of course, I knew absolutely nothing of the geography of Los Angeles. Today, I realize that EVERYTHING in L.A. is at least an hour from ANYTHING. At the time, I naturally figured that the best place to stay on my business trip was downtown. Every other big city I had ever visited featured a downtown that was almost always centrally located, so why would L.A. be any different?

My thought process was simple. I only knew of one hotel in downtown L.A. - The Westin Bonaventure. It is the same hotel where Arnold Schwarzenegger chased a terrorist through the lobby on horseback in James Cameron's True Lies. It also features the external elevators seen in the movie. Perfect.

While I knew nothing of L.A. geography, I did know enough to realize that it was not a city of mass transit. In New York, a rental car is a liability. In L.A., it is essential. Being on an expense account, it was quite easy to pass off a Mustang convertible for the trip. The receipt rarely states the specific type of car and everything in L.A. is more expensive.

Upon arriving in L.A., it is immediately apparent that this is a different world. First, it is always sunny although the quality of the sun changes gradually as the day progresses. In the mornings, the sun is filtered by a beautiful haze. Of course, to be seen as beautiful you must block out the knowledge that it is created from pollution. As the haze burns off, the city reveals itself as a collage of postcards and movie backgrounds.

The most unique aspect of the sun in Southern California is that you do not need sunglasses. Living in Texas, you instantly realize that sunglasses are a requirement if you simply want to see while outdoors. In L.A., the sun bathes you, but it does not invade your senses as if trying to incapacitate you.

Dressed in my best Magnum P.I. garb, complete with (mostly) green Hawaiian shirt and modernized with Birkenstock sandals, I headed out on the town. I hit all of the tourist highlights - Mann's Chinese Theater, Santa Monica Pier, Hollywood and Vine (best left to the imagination of yester-year), Rodeo Drive, Westwood (home of UCLA) and, of course Venice Beach. I even tracked down where Irving G. Thalberg is buried, although his tomb is unfortunately private at the Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California.

Mornings were spent getting in the required business meetings that served as justification for the entire trip. Lunch was spent on the town or at the beach. Afternoons were spent in the hotel napping or refreshing. Evenings were spent typically on Sunset Boulevard or other stereotypical hotspots more renowned for their iconic place in Hollywood lore than for their ambiance, including The Whiskey and the Viper Room.

It was during an afternoon recuperating at the Westin that I was touched, ever so slightly, by the magic of Los Angeles. It was one of those moments where you know nobody is going to believe you, but it doesn't matter because you were there. The best comparison I can conjure is that of getting a hole-in-one while golfing alone.

Resting on the hotel bed, I turned on the TV to find the Dodgers baseball game. Watching the Dodgers on local television is somewhat what I imagine to listening to the old Brooklyn Dodgers must have been like, as each was broadcast by Vin Scully. The time of the one-team career broadcaster has mostly passed now, but there are a few of the old guard left, including Vin Scully. I was never a Dodgers fan, but I knew the relationship of this man and the team. It was a pleasure to close my eyes and just listen.

By the seventh-inning stretch, I began to grow restless and decided to head down to the hotel bar for a drink before heading out on the town for the evening. As I was brushing my teeth, the now common-place sponsored trivia question flashed across the screen: "Who was the oldest player to get an extra base hit in the world series?" I didn't know the answer, but I was about to.

I turned off the TV and headed for the elevators. The elevator in the Westin Bonaventure is like a tube mounted to the exterior of the hotel and provides breathtaking views of sprawling city. The ride is smooth and quick as you descend into the seven story atrium and ground level.

I pulled up a stool at the The Lobby Court, a central cocktail and coffee bar on the ground level. Glancing up I noticed that the Dodgers game was on one of the overhead TVs, sans sound. The broadcast was just presenting the answer to the day's trivia question: "The oldest player to get an extra base hit in the world series was: Dave Winfield at the age of 41." It was interesting tid-bit, but without the sound on there was little point to watching a Dodgers game. I ordered a Corona and settled into my bar stool.

That's when I heard the voice. Initially, his back was to me as he took his seat at the bar beside me. He was talking to someone, but I could not see anything around his broad shoulders squared off further by an immaculate suit. But I knew the voice. I'm not sure exactly how, but I knew the voice.

If you have ever watched professional sports of any type and thought to yourself, if only given the chance I could...then you have not encountered a professional athlete in person. A professional athlete is a unique specimen among Homo sapiens. It is as though they were chiseled directly from the stone atop Mount Olympus. And Dave Winfield was no exception.

I have never asked anyone for an autograph, unless it was for my kids. I do not seek out celebrities and interrupt them during dinner to tell them why I am a fan. I generally like to be left alone and suspect that those who might be recognized in public would appreciate the same courtesy. But this was different.

I tapped Mr. Winfield on the shoulder and immediately wondered if I had made a mistake. This man was 6'6'' and played at 220 pounds. He was a former New York Yankee who once was (incidentally) involved in getting George Steinbrenner banned from baseball. He was in the Baseball Hall of Fame and owned a World Series ring. My fight or flight instinct gave way to sheer curiosity.

"Hello?" Mr. Winfield turned partially to discover the source of the interruption.

I held my ground. "Pardon me, sir, but you were just the answer to the trivia question on the Dodger game." I pointed to the TV to backup my claim.

"Really?" Mr. Winfield completed his turn towards me and a faint smile crossed his mustachioed square jaw. "What was the question?"

Now I had his attention. I proudly recited the trivia question that was not at all mine.

To this day, I do not recall the rest of the conversation except that we shook hands. It was a brief conversation centered on the singular subject of the trivia question. No autograph. No small talk. No further questions.

From the first moment of hearing his voice, I steadily became overcome by a warm, soothing rush of adrenalin. It is a feeling that only comes when you are experiencing a moment you cannot believe even while fully aware that it is happening.

For the next several days, the punch line of the story came naturally and consistently, "What are the odds?"

Review: The Virtually Indestructible GlowType Keyboard

Written April 10, 2008

First, the qualifiers. I was involved in the original design and marketing of this product by the manufacturer, Grandtec. Now we simply sell the item through The home computer has one in use, but I use a laptop 99% of the time and do not actually use one now days. With that said, let the review begin….

Coolness factor: In my mind, this is why people buy it. It is blue. It illuminates. It is made of flexible, washable silicone rubber and is unlike anything you’re ever seen sitting on a desk. From this standpoint alone, it makes an excellent gift item.

Use factor: This is a love/hate issue. Those who love it…the feel, the silence, the comfort (no negative wrist angle as it sits flat)…those people will use nothing else. My oldest son falls in this category. Those who hate usually learned to type on a typewriter and migrated to computers only when absolutely necessary. Also, I find that those who type over 70 wpm have trouble adapting to this new feel. The learning curve is short, but people usually decide on the love/hate aspect within the first ten minutes and don’t usually change their minds with time. Also, if you just fried your keyboard with a Dr. Pepper, this keyboard is for you.

Use Note: Gamers love this thing. Office workers can run hot or cold. The younger the recipient the higher the love factor.

Cost: As keyboards go, this is in the middle. Sure you can buy a replacement generic keyboard for $10, but when in the market it is easy to spend $100 or more for some bells and whistles alternative that says Logitech or Microsoft on it. For cost versus value, this keyboard is near the top.

Longevity: If you never harm you current keyboard with drinks, food, or worse, then this keyboard adds only a bit to the equation. If you have ever turned your keyboard over and shaken all the nasties out of it, then this keyboard is for you. As for food and drinks, see above. In rougher environments, this keyboard will stand the test better than the alternative as its name suggests.

Official e-Giftologist stance: The Virtually Indestructible GlowType Keyboard has an audience. This audience loves it. Universal appeal can be limited. We don’t use a star rating for reviews, but you should not have difficulty predicting whether your recipient will like it or not.

Review of Animal Golf Club Head Covers

Written April 30, 2008

When you think of headcovers, you think of those yarny things that come free with your woods when you buy them. Or Rodney Dangerfield with his live-in golf bag in CaddyShack.

And then Tiger Woods hit the scene and changed the world of headcovers forever. Now a headcover isn’t going to change the political landscape, but it can improve conversation around the first tee.

Easily the most popular category on is the animal golf club head covers. If only you would feel the quality through the pictures. Daphne’s Headcovers of Phoenix, AZ has adopted a philosophy of authenticity and quality akin to those of a F.A.O Schwarz teddy bear. And, yes, Daphne’s makes the Tiger for the world’s number one. And just about every other animal adorning drivers on any tour you’ll see on the Golf Channel.

First, the size. Each headcover fits up to a 490cc driver (nearly every LEGAL driver on the market). Basically, they are about the size of a human head so yours won’t easily be missed atop your bag. Using more than one may pose a challenge, but it has been done. The putter covers are smaller as are the hybrid covers, so perhaps there is a solution for a complete set.
Second, the guarantee. Daphne’s includes their phone number on a tag within the cover so that if ANYTHING happens to it while being stored in your garage then they will take care of you.
Third, the selection. Over 175 unique designs that allow you to incorporate your personality into your golf game.

Finally, the quality. Each headcover is uniquely designed to accurately represent the subject of its design. From fur tailored to feel precisely like the animal to eye design and nose texture these things are simply amazing. My five year old is constantly hitting me up for one to use as a cuddly at night. The lush design is not only eye-catching, but serves to truly protect your $800 Taylor Made that stills seems to slice too much.

The ultimate challenge for us is to communicate the quality via a simple web page. Customer feedback has been universally positive and normally includes a statement of shock related to the discrepency between the online description and the immense quality realized upon receipt.

Of all the items available on e-Giftology, these are easily the best value as measured to quality.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What makes the perfect gift?

Written February 2008

#1 Question for e-Giftologist founder, Paul Dumas: What do you think makes a good gift?

As chief e-Giftologist, I am often asked my thoughts on what makes the "perfect" gift. This is a complex question with many aspects that ironically have almost nothing to do with the actual gift itself. It would be great to tell everybody to buy a Johnny Light (the toilet nightlight) and be done with it. But, as I said, the actual gift itself has little to do with making it the "perfect gift".

A good gift is often defined more in terms of the relationship between the giver and the given and how the gift reflects specific qualities in each. For instance, if you are looking for perfect corporate gifts, you must ask yourself a few questions. Are the corporate gifts for customers or employees? Is the corporate gift for your boss? What would be the perfect corporate gift for your boss likely is different than what would be perfect for your employees or customers.

A good gift can also be defined in terms of what you're trying to say with the gift. If you are looking for great holiday gifts for clients, you need to decide what you're trying to say with the gift. If you are trying to say "thank you for the past year", then something of value and function would be best. A nice gift basket or coffee or cookies has proven to be a popular holiday gift for clients. If you're trying to increase your client's awareness of your company, then a personlized gift would be best that includes your company name or log. If you have a personal relationship with your clients, then the perfect holiday gift might be something more akin to what you would also get a brother or sister (although I would skip the socks and underwear route).

A gift can approach "perfect" status buy showing that thought was put into it by the giver that results in something unique, yet functional for the receiver. What does this mean? Wal-Mart sells a lot of baby car seats every year. Nice gift, but great gift? First, it is generic. Sure, the new parents may have registered for it, but let somebody else get it. A great gift would be something unique that relates to something generic. How about getting the Infant Car Seat Carrier from Flying Falcon for only $15.95. The gift is less expensive than a car seat, but added a new dimension of originality and function to something you know the new parents will get anyway. If you want to really enhance the perfect gift, have the item sent you and make it a personalized baby gift by sewing the newborn's name into the strap. Wow, you'll be remembered forever for that one. This gift will be kept for the newborn's own children. Way to hit a homerun. And you spent less than $20.

There is one thing that I have discovered that has absolutely no impact on making the "perfect" gift: how much you spend. I can show you an internet full of $500 velvet Elvis prints that my beloved wife would absolutely hate as a Valentine gift. See would much rather prefer than I spend $50 on a nice California Wine Country gift basket. My youngest son, on the other hand, gets more enjoyment out of a $.99 Hot Wheels car than most $50 video games.

Are you starting to get the idea? Now you know the thought process that we run through when deciding whether a product is offered on Thanks for visiting and be sure to visit our blog and let us know what you think makes the perfect gift. Launches Forum for Gift Ideas

Released January 13, 2008
New blog provides forum for visitors to share gift ideas and stories about the best and worst gift they have ever received or given.


Jan 13, 2008 – DALLAS, TEXAS - today announced the launch of a discussion blog, a forum for visitors to share their gift ideas and experiences. Visitors to the site are encouraged to share their stories regarding their best and worst gifts of all time. The forum is:

"We believe the key to the perfect gift has almost nothing to do with the gift itself or how much it costs." said e-Giftology founder, Paul Dumas. "With this in mind, we want to provide a community forum for gift experiences that anyone can review for ideas and direction. We'll start by asking visitors something specific and then let it evolve as the community grows."

e-Giftology chose WordPress as host of the blog due to the design flexibility and ease of use. e-Giftology with moderate and participate in discussions on a daily basis. In addition to the gift forum, e-Giftology will also use the blog to communicate directly ith users of the site regarding customer issues or ideas related to the site, specifically.

"When nearly all of your business is online, you must provide something unique to visitors or they will go somewhere else." continued Paul Dumas. "The internet is a crowded marketplace, so we differentiate ourselves through our interaction with visitors and customers. If someone has an idea or a problem, we want to know about it immediately."

e-Giftology is counting on this "personal" approach to online interaction to expand their community and ultimately their business. Ultimately, e-Giftology hopes the forum will provide an avenue for visitors to help determine what types of gift items are available for sale on

# # #

About Founded in 2007, e-Giftology is designed to be a destination for all things gift related. At the core of the business strategy is an online store featuring unique, yet functional gift items to appeal to a wide range of people and occasions. Designed around the idea that shopping for the perfect gift is a science that relies more on the relationship between giver and recipient than on the gift itself, e-Giftology intends to create a structure whereby an online community will grow. is headquartered in Lewisville, TX. For more information, visit

Beware the Pitfalls of Universal Health Care

Written August 26, 2008

It is election season and once again one of the hot topics is health care in this nation. Many have called for universal health care. I say, be careful what you wish for.

This article gives an excellent viewpoint from an educated citizen.

Of course, I have my own thoughts. Before I share, please allow me to state my credibility, er, bias.

First, I lived for over four years in a country with socialized medicine (The Netherlands - you know, windmills, tulips and wooden shoes). Every citizen had free health care provided by the state.

Second, I am an insurance agent who provides group health insurance to mostly small businesses in Texas.

This is what I know about the pitfalls of universal health care.

First, we must answer the question of who pays for it. The citizens do. In the Netherlands, the tax brackets start at 33.60% and top out at 52%. Imagine working until July to finally clear a dollar that you can call your own. Also, beginning in 2006, citizens of the Netherlands are REQUIRED to purchase health insurance at a rate of about 95 EUROS a month plus a percentage of income (about 4%). So much for Universal Health care. The system was going broke so they came back and asked for more.

Second, what does the state provided health care provide? Typically, a citizen has access, but the quality is limited and the lines are long. Forget about going to the doctor if you have a cold. You’ll be better before you get in. And yes, I know that the Netherlands is considered by some to have a better health care system than the US, but a HUGE part of their ranking is access. And as I said, every citizen has access because they are REQUIRED to pay for it.

Third, in order to support such a system, the overall quality reduces to match the funding. Basically, in the US you could expect one of the top health care systems (in terms of quality of care) in the world to reduce to the lowest common denominator so that we could fund it.

Well, what if we only required employers to provide health insurance so that the working class is always covered? This sounds awesome, especially in light of the fact that I sell group health insurance to businesses. The problem is that you cannot get blood from a turnip. As costs continue to increase, I see more and more small businesses cease offering health insurance because it is simply cost prohibitive. As if the small business owner didn’t have enough of a challenge competing with the monolithic companies for quality employees. Should we ask each small business to lay off one employee and use their salary to fund the health insurance? If you mandated companies to offer benefits, you wouldn’t have to ask….it would just happen. What would the unemployment rate be if every one of the 5.7 million small businesses with employees suddenly had to fire one employee?

So, what is the answer? We have to fix the economics of our health care system. It shouldn’t cost $125 to see a doctor for six minutes and say “ahhh”. The cost must match the service (and technologies) provided.

The other culprit is the drug companies. I used to be in electronics manufacturing and we used a process that basically called for economy of scale. If you made one of something it cost $100,000. If you made 100,000 of something it cost $1 each. Sure, drug research is expensive. Most of it comes from the private sector, as it should. However, government oversight can go a long way toward shortening the time between drug approval and generic equivalents. Drug companies should not be allows to fleece the public for 10 to 15 years with each new drug. The government should be able to receive a report (during FDA trials, for instance) that shows how much the research cost. Once the research is earned back in sales profits, then the government should be able to regulate the profit margins to a certain degree. They already regulate profit margins to health insurance companies. Why not regulate the margins for drug companies?
Too much government involvement, you say? Well, remember all of this started with someone clamoring for universal health care. How much government involvement do you want?

I’m sure I’m missing something, so please feel free to leave your comments.

The Value Proposition of Voluntary Benefits in Small Business

The employee benefit commonly referred to as Voluntary Benefits has unfortunately been misconstrued over the last decade due to over-simplified advertising and marketing, poor face to face communication and and emphasis on sales rather than solution providing.

In the early days, this benefit was often labeled “supplemental insurance”. While some of the benefits under the umbrella are supplemental by definition, many are not. I do not know of an employee who considers disability insurance to be supplemental. There is absolutely nothing supplemental about life insurance.

There are also those who make the leap from “voluntary” to “supplemental” to “optional” - and in their mind, optional means “unnecessary”. Usually, this leap is made by an employer who is disconnected financially from an employee group that operates under a distinctively different income level. Thankfully, my job is to explain, as gently as possible, where the fallacy exists.

If Voluntary Benefits are not “supplemental”, then what are they? Voluntary Benefits are a suit of products designed to allow an employee on an individual basis to reduce their risk based on their own needs.

Voluntary Benefits address four key areas of an employee’s risk:
1. Paycheck
2. Out of pocket medical expenses (deductible, co-insurance, etc.)
3. Catastrophic occurrence and critical illness
4. Life

First, the paycheck is an employee’s biggest asset. However, it is also their biggest area of risk if left unprotected. The average American cannot go a month or more without a paycheck. Voluntary Benefits include an option for short term disability insurance to replace lost income due to accidents and illness.

Second, out of pocket medical expenses and an employee’s risk associated with such expenses have increased steadily in the last decade as deductibles increase in favor of lower premiums. Also, a significant percentage of out of pocket expenses come from things that simply are not covered by health insurance. Travel expenses, lost time at work, and the fact that the bills are still due all contribute to this category of risk. Supplemental Health, Accident or Cancer insurance can go along way toward protecting an employee who is one incident away from financial strain.

Third, the catastrophic event. On the plus side, more people survive the first heart attack or stroke. On the down side, the financial burden that comes with such an illness is often enough to ruin even the best retirement planning. A solid Critical Illness plan can function as a living form of life insurance and provide cash at a time when it is needed most.

Finally, Life. In reality is should read “Death”, but for obvious reasons we’re all more comfortable with the term “Life”. Every working American with a family, a mortgage, a plan should ask the question: What happens if I’m not here tomorrow? Surveys show that employees prefer to purchase life insurance through the workplace than on their own. Some of this is due to an inherent distaste for the process of learning and searching on an individual basis. It can be intimidating and you rarely know that you’re making the right decision. A less spoken reason is that an employee is more comfortable having the premium taken directly out of their paycheck and knowing they have the protection. Worksite life insurance is protection. Individual life insurance results in another bill in the mail every month. It is literally that simple.

The Value Proposition of Voluntary Benefits:

Chances are any company with more than one employee has employees with different income levels, personal backgrounds and varying life stages. Voluntary Benefits provide employees the opportunity to address their individual needs while substantially enhancing the employer’s goals of providing value in their employee benefits plan. The value realized is in the eye of the employee, but the opportunity offered is beyond valuation.

Survey shows Health Care Costs #1 issue for Small Business

Written September 8, 2008

The small business owner and the average benefits specialist already know that the increasing costs of health insurance are crippling small business. The National Federation of Independent Business, a non-profit organization serving as a political advocate for small businesses in all 50 states and in Washington D.C., surveys its members annually to gauge concerns. For the 20th consecutive year, health insurance costs have ranked #1.

According to NFIB, health insurance costs have increased 129% for small businesses since 2000. Employees of Small Businesses pay on average 18% more for the same coverage as employees of large companies. On the surface, this makes sense if you understand risk and actuarial processes. However, small business represents nearly half of the private GDP and small business employs nearly half of the private sector employees in this country.

So, if half of working Americans work for small business, how is it that small businesses pose a higher risk to insurance companies than large companies? I am not a statistician, but it seems to me that insurance companies charge employees of small business more simply because they can. Is it no wonder that as recently as 2005, the CEO of United Healthcare (the largest health insurer in the US) was the third highest paid executive on the Forbes list?

The system is broken. I am all for democracy and capitalism, but when one principal suffers in favor of another it is time to look into changing the status quo. Thus begins the cycle of prohibiting the small business owner from fully realizing the opportunity for capitalism that this country had promised from day one.

What is the answer? No election will solve the problems. No amount of blogging will solve the problems. If you are a small business owner, you must get involved. Start by visiting Learn what the issues are and how your congressman views them. Talk to other business owners. You do not have to be a lobbyist or run for office. But it is easy to add your voice to the millions of other individual voices so that they can be heard as one where it matters most.

What’s old is new again: Ride the Rail

Written July 24th, 2008

Gas has settled above $4 a gallon. Airlines are going broke while charging you for air conditioning. What’s old is new again.

Just a few short years ago, AMTRAK depended almost entirely on government subsidies to remain operational. In October, the Texas Eagle connection from DFW to Chicago was mostly empty. Passengers were mostly retirees or hobbyists who rode the train simply because they enjoyed riding the train.

As I type this, I am aboard the Texas Eagle leaving Chicago for the 22 hour journey to Dallas, Texas. The train is booked and as we talk with other passengers the reason they are here is quite simple: the economics of travel.

Personally, we took the train partially due to the economics of it and also because my boys have never ridden on the train. The trip has been unique, nostalgic and memorable for the kids.

In a way, it is great to see the trains full of passengers. It is sad that it is driven by economics, but trains have always been driven by economics in this country.

If you’ve never ridden a “real” train, go to and see where you can go. Disney’s Monorail doesn’t count. Get out and see America.

Viewpoint of America as an American

Written April 9, 2008

Gas is pushing $4 a gallon and we own a Tahoe. The stock market considers a narrow loss “good news” and 99% percent of our retirement is being cashed out to pay off the Citi Mastercard. 80,000 jobs (of about 200 million) are lost and everyone loses 3% of their income almost overnight due to inflation. The average person on the street frowns because it is contagious. They don’t really know why when didactically challenged, but the frown let’s them feel as though they fit in.

What does it mean?

It means that since we didn’t all save $10 a month during the last decade(s?) of over-paid prosperity like we should have (by the way, that rainy day you keep talking about - that was today) we’re going to have to do what most of the rest of the world does on a daily basis: work for a living.

Oh, sure. You’ve been working five days a week for as long as you remember. Your W-2 says so. But have you been earning your keep? I spent almost 12 years being highly over-paid for a “job” where performance was so loosely tied to compensation that when a bonus didn’t arrive we complained. Know why I quit? I started to feel guilty about it. The pride I thought I should feel for having a high paid job wasn’t there - and what’s worse, I understood why and couldn’t take it anymore.

I’ve given myself a pay cut. Started two businesses. Work longer hours. And I am actually happier. Sure, the bills stress me out a bit more every month. We see fewer movies now than last year. But when I receive a dollar via the magic of the electron I feel something that I haven’t felt since I was 16 and working the drive through at Mickey Ds - actual pride in a reward for actual work.

As we moan and groan about the economy, maybe we should simply realize that we had it too good for too long and it is time to get back to what our grandfathers rightly perceived as the norm - roll up your sleeves, get better at what you do, and work.

Is it the right of every American who writes and reads blogs to have a mobile phone and cable TV? Are you entitled to two weeks paid vacation after decade of being over-paid? I had a boss once who told us that we could take a vacation any time we wanted - so long as we could afford it. It is a sound theory that could lead us at least partly out of our collective rut.

Now before your knee jerks, I’m not saying we’re lazy. Far from it. It takes a lot of effort to be on the lake by sun up. The gas for the boat, snacks, life jackets, skis all set. Effort. Plain and simple. I’m not saying we’re dumb, either. Programming a DVR to record every episode of American Idol (can you say 4 nights a week!) takes at least an IQ of 110, so we’re also collectively intelligent.

What if we stopped watching American Idol and used that time to research or at least consider options for being more efficient in how we work and live? I must say that since the Jericho finale, has received substantially more attention in the evening that it once did. CBS canceling the show improved my business. Thank you, CBS. I’ll add you to my Christmas card list.

What if for just one hour a week we:

Checked the appliances in the house to see which ones stay on when they shouldn’t / Put air in the tires of all our vehicles and checked the oil / Checked the weather stripping on all the windows and doors / Learned to program that stupid thermostat / Turned down the hot water heater just one notch / Wash the dishes by hand / Checked cell phone usage to make sure we have the best plan / Took one good look at all our bills at once to make sure everything is necessary or at the very least not superfluous

American Idol isn’t as good as it used to be anyway.

But you mentioned working harder…

What if, instead of stressing or complaining about the economy, we all had the following conversation with our boss:

Us: I know things are tight, but I have some ideas on how we as a company can be less susceptible to Fox News. I’d like you to OK measuring the progress of my ideas. If they work, I’d like to negotiate my compensation accordingly.

Boss: Huh?

Us: I think I know of methods whereby we as a company can save enough money where you can afford to give us all raises that exceed inflation.

Boss: How long have you been here? Not counting tomorrow.

Us: Most of us waste at least two hours of every work day drinking coffee, surfing the net, padding breaks, etc. You know and I know it. Let me focus one of those hours a day on these ideas and let’s see what happens.

Boss: You’re crazy.

Us: I’ll take that as a yes. I’ll have a summary to you by the end of the day.

Did you know that the average business of 10 employees can save over $1200 a year in office supplies by simply shopping between two different suppliers? Did you know that the average business can save over $1000 a year in utility expenses by simply implementing a written procedure for closing time? I have more, but I usually charge for these types of things.

What do I do to remain immune from the frown? Well, I have a solution in place for tomorrow and a solution in place for ten years from now - and neither of them leads to debt. I spend most office hours building relationships with other business owners and helping them confront the obvious. It pays the bills and I enjoy the notion that what I do is valuable to someone.

Concurrent with my “day job”, I have formalized my online business presence and created What was once MY eBay business, has now become OUR (thanks to growth) investment in the future. The nice thing about ecommerce is that you can manage it from just about anywhere and it does not require you to clock in. The dirty details can be done by hired guns and managing the bottom line is straight forward. Funny enough, economic factors can effect eBay or Amazon from a macrocosmic standpoint, but the specialty store with easily understood components and nimble decision making processes is basically immune.

So, what’s your point? You ask.

As I scroll up to edit…I’m not really sure. I do know that despite everything I am happier now in a “deep recession” than I was a year ago when everyone was buying everyone else lunch. And it has nothing to do with the price of gas.