Thursday, April 16, 2009

Review: The Virtually Indestructible GlowType Keyboard

Written April 10, 2008

First, the qualifiers. I was involved in the original design and marketing of this product by the manufacturer, Grandtec. Now we simply sell the item through The home computer has one in use, but I use a laptop 99% of the time and do not actually use one now days. With that said, let the review begin….

Coolness factor: In my mind, this is why people buy it. It is blue. It illuminates. It is made of flexible, washable silicone rubber and is unlike anything you’re ever seen sitting on a desk. From this standpoint alone, it makes an excellent gift item.

Use factor: This is a love/hate issue. Those who love it…the feel, the silence, the comfort (no negative wrist angle as it sits flat)…those people will use nothing else. My oldest son falls in this category. Those who hate usually learned to type on a typewriter and migrated to computers only when absolutely necessary. Also, I find that those who type over 70 wpm have trouble adapting to this new feel. The learning curve is short, but people usually decide on the love/hate aspect within the first ten minutes and don’t usually change their minds with time. Also, if you just fried your keyboard with a Dr. Pepper, this keyboard is for you.

Use Note: Gamers love this thing. Office workers can run hot or cold. The younger the recipient the higher the love factor.

Cost: As keyboards go, this is in the middle. Sure you can buy a replacement generic keyboard for $10, but when in the market it is easy to spend $100 or more for some bells and whistles alternative that says Logitech or Microsoft on it. For cost versus value, this keyboard is near the top.

Longevity: If you never harm you current keyboard with drinks, food, or worse, then this keyboard adds only a bit to the equation. If you have ever turned your keyboard over and shaken all the nasties out of it, then this keyboard is for you. As for food and drinks, see above. In rougher environments, this keyboard will stand the test better than the alternative as its name suggests.

Official e-Giftologist stance: The Virtually Indestructible GlowType Keyboard has an audience. This audience loves it. Universal appeal can be limited. We don’t use a star rating for reviews, but you should not have difficulty predicting whether your recipient will like it or not.

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