Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What makes the perfect gift?

Written February 2008

#1 Question for e-Giftologist founder, Paul Dumas: What do you think makes a good gift?

As chief e-Giftologist, I am often asked my thoughts on what makes the "perfect" gift. This is a complex question with many aspects that ironically have almost nothing to do with the actual gift itself. It would be great to tell everybody to buy a Johnny Light (the toilet nightlight) and be done with it. But, as I said, the actual gift itself has little to do with making it the "perfect gift".

A good gift is often defined more in terms of the relationship between the giver and the given and how the gift reflects specific qualities in each. For instance, if you are looking for perfect corporate gifts, you must ask yourself a few questions. Are the corporate gifts for customers or employees? Is the corporate gift for your boss? What would be the perfect corporate gift for your boss likely is different than what would be perfect for your employees or customers.

A good gift can also be defined in terms of what you're trying to say with the gift. If you are looking for great holiday gifts for clients, you need to decide what you're trying to say with the gift. If you are trying to say "thank you for the past year", then something of value and function would be best. A nice gift basket or coffee or cookies has proven to be a popular holiday gift for clients. If you're trying to increase your client's awareness of your company, then a personlized gift would be best that includes your company name or log. If you have a personal relationship with your clients, then the perfect holiday gift might be something more akin to what you would also get a brother or sister (although I would skip the socks and underwear route).

A gift can approach "perfect" status buy showing that thought was put into it by the giver that results in something unique, yet functional for the receiver. What does this mean? Wal-Mart sells a lot of baby car seats every year. Nice gift, but great gift? First, it is generic. Sure, the new parents may have registered for it, but let somebody else get it. A great gift would be something unique that relates to something generic. How about getting the Infant Car Seat Carrier from Flying Falcon for only $15.95. The gift is less expensive than a car seat, but added a new dimension of originality and function to something you know the new parents will get anyway. If you want to really enhance the perfect gift, have the item sent you and make it a personalized baby gift by sewing the newborn's name into the strap. Wow, you'll be remembered forever for that one. This gift will be kept for the newborn's own children. Way to hit a homerun. And you spent less than $20.

There is one thing that I have discovered that has absolutely no impact on making the "perfect" gift: how much you spend. I can show you an internet full of $500 velvet Elvis prints that my beloved wife would absolutely hate as a Valentine gift. See would much rather prefer than I spend $50 on a nice California Wine Country gift basket. My youngest son, on the other hand, gets more enjoyment out of a $.99 Hot Wheels car than most $50 video games.

Are you starting to get the idea? Now you know the thought process that we run through when deciding whether a product is offered on Thanks for visiting and be sure to visit our blog and let us know what you think makes the perfect gift.

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